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Moringa- Anti Aging

Designer: GreenLife Natural

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Hurricane Matthew’s impact to Haiti was catastrophic. The storm has caused complete devastation and severely affected the already limited water supply.

Access to clean, fresh water is a main concern in Haiti, where waterborne illnesses, such as typhoid, cholera, and chronic diarrhea, are the cause of more than half of the deaths in the country every year. Contaminated water is also one of the leading causes of childhood illness and the very high infant death rate in Haiti (57 for every 1000 births).

To tackle these issues, GreenLife Alkaline Water will continue to send bottled water to Haiti until a clean substantial system is in place. This effort is essential to families with children especially in rural areas and small towns. It will provide a healthy source of hydration in every region of Haiti.

Our goal is to provide as many families as possible with GreenLife Alkaline Water. For a $30 donation, we will ship a case of water to the Haiti Relief project. Our team is on standby to begin immediate transport and distribution of GreenLife Alkaline Water to the Haiti Relief effort.

Let’s save the children of Haiti.

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GreenLife Alkaline Water